
Don’t see red!

Help with menstrual pain – tips for how you can feel good even at that time of the month

When those days are there again when cramps, mood swings and exhaustion are your daily companions… those days when all you want is to be left alone, and not have to talk to anyone. Yes, your period is back – and you’re going through the roof!

We have some tips for you, so that you’ll feel good despite a low mood, cramps and skin impurities. Because even little changes in your daily routines can help to reduce menstrual pain.


#Fight the cramps!

Movement is incredibly good for your stomach during menstruation – but don’t overdo it! After all, right now your body is dealing with some strenuous natural processes such as cleansing and detoxing. So with movement, always stick to the golden mean. Choose more laid-back exercise instead of power workouts. Include stretching and relaxation exercises. These will help to relieve cramps and can even prevent menstrual pain.

The shatavari root extract in our CAPS fem helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. Magnesium, Vitamin C and iron reduce tiredness and promote energy metabolisation.


#Just calm down

Take some time for yourself and treat your body to some peace and quiet, because when we have our period, it’s also emotionally exhausting. When you’re menstruating, feel free to ease down a gear and set your own speed. So…hot water bottle on your tummy, nice cup of tea, and put your feet up.

The natural ingredients in CAPS moodoo help to restore your emotional balance. Niacin and riboflavin combat tiredness and fatigue.



#Go for alkaline

Don’t be sour! Overacidification can exacerbate menstrual complaints. So to balance the acids and alkalis in your body, go for fruit and veg. And just so you know, even though lemons taste acidic, their effect in the body is alkaline.

Our FRESH pack balancing helps when the acids and alkalis in your body go off kilter. The zinc from buckwheat germ powder supports natural acid-alkali balance, while Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12, along with manganese, copper and biotin, boost energy metabolisation.



#Say goodbye to spots!

Your skin needs extra support during menstruation. Because hormones often cause breakouts on our forehead and chin. Regular cleansing and grooming to suit your skin type can work wonders. As a rule of thumb, the correct sequence for your care routine is: cleansing first, then toning, then light care products such as serums, and finally creams.

Our FRESH tonic pure is ideal for skin that tends to impurities. A special extract from the Chinese mulberry regulates overactive sebum glands, prevents blackheads and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Zinc PCA reduces skin impurities and is also an excellent source of hydration.


Make a note of these tips because, believe you me, they’re really effective! Use them to get through your period unscathed, so that you can feel good all over.

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